
Mrs. Simmons Returns to BBHS

Ms. Simmons helps freshman with a geometry proof. || Source: Rachel Sosin

Mrs. Simmons has returned to Blind Brook for the 2016-2017 school year. She continues to work in the Math department and has returned to her position as the advisor of Model UN. Simmons plays an integral role in both positions and her students have benefited from her return.

Q:  Which classes are you teaching this year/which ones have you taught in the past?

A:  This year I’m teaching geometry and honors geometry. I taught geometry more than a handful of years ago, but honors geometry is new for me.

Q:  When did you leave Blind Brook? When did you return?

A: I finished the year 2013-2014. My son was born in July of 2014.  I returned in this past September, but I have been in the school preparing for this year since May, June, and throughout the summer.

Q:  Do you plan on making any changes to how you teach?  

A:  The answer would be definitely yes.  I feel like even with each year, you always make changes to make yourself better. Part of being a good teacher is always evolving.

Q:  Are you going to make changes to your curriculum?

A: Yes, because the last time I taught geometry there was a Regents exam that the students needed to take at the end of the year. We aren’t giving the Common Core Exam this year, either. It’s a benefit to the students so we could dive deeper into the content and not waste weeks studying for the Regents exam.  Instead, we could use that time to learn.

Q:  What is your favorite unit in teaching the math curriculum for non-honors geometry?

A: I personally love teaching math no matter the subject we are learning. I really like everything, but if I had to choose, maybe the circle unit because of all the different theorems involved.

Q:  Why is math your favorite subject?  

A:  I like it because it’s interesting how black and white it is. There is one right answer but many different ways of getting there. I like how definitive, and objective it is.

Q:  How long have you advised Model UN?

A:  I have been the advisor since 2009.

Q:  Why do you like this club?

A:  For me as a math teacher, it is exciting and interesting to be able to see my students in a completely different subject area and to see them delve into geopolitical topics.

Q: Which MUN trip has been your favorite?

A:  I’d have to say the John Hopkins trip in February, which is a lot of fun.