Features Sports

Chemistry on Ice

The Harrison High School Hockey team, formerly known as the Rye Titans, will play their first game on Saturday, November 19, at 8:55 pm at Rye Playland. Blind Brook’s varsity ice hockey team is formed through a partnership with Harrison and Rye Neck High Schools. The team puts in 5-9 hours of practice each week.

Blind Brook senior Chris Megandis said, “The team is well balanced team consisting of speed, strength, and scoring ability paired along with a solid defense.”

“The Titans without a doubt have the best chemistry in the section,” said senior Ike Murov. “Most of us have played together for 6 years, and play on the same travel team: the White Plains Plainsmen.”

The team plays in Section One Athletics. Additionally, the team is still going through a selection process so their full roster has not been set.

According to Murov, “Ice hockey relieves stress for me, while acting as a fun way to spend quality time with my teammates both on and off the ice.”

The majority of their games will be played at home at Rye Playland. The 2016-2017 schedule can be found below.

Courtesy of Rye Town/Harrison Titans Hockey