
Approaching Graduation 2018

As the third quarter comes to a close and AP exams are fast approaching, the reality has really begun to sink in for seniors. The next two months will be their last walking through the halls of Blind Brook. Many members of the senior class will begin their Senior Options after the conclusion of AP exams, so they do not have to stay in school after that. However, they are still Trojans until graduation.

The Class of 2018 will graduate on June 21 at 7pm. Traditionally, the graduation ceremony is held in the Performing Arts Center at SUNY Purchase. There will be a mandatory rehearsal ceremony the day before to prepare students for this long-awaited day. The ceremony will include a student speaker to reflect on the past thirteen years the grade has spent together, and discuss the bright future these students have ahead of them. Additionally, Superintendent Jonathan Ross and Principal Patricia Lambert can also be expected to deliver messages to the graduates.

Graduation has many special traditions for the students that are unique to Blind Brook. One such tradition is a video montage comprised of memorable pictures submitted by the students’ families, which shows the graduates as they grew up.

Junior Karyn Handler, who has been to two previous graduation ceremonies for her older brother and sister, said, “I think the video montage at the senior graduation is a great tradition in order to look back on memories from Blind Brook that will last forever. It made me so excited to participate in high school activities like the Junior Class Trip when I watched them.”

Another beloved custom at the ceremony is for students to decorate their graduation caps. Many college logos and pictures of friends can be spotted on this accessory.

Junior Kayla Axelrod said, “It’s a cool tradition and I cannot wait to be a part of it when I graduate next year! I think it’s so fun to see what colleges students are heading to when you see their caps.”

Graduating is a bittersweet time for many seniors as they are sad to leave their peers and the comfort of high school, but also eager to start the next chapter of their lives. Senior Jordan Bitton said, “As I finished my freshman year the same time as my older sister graduated, it felt like it would be forever for it to be my turn. Now with my senior year winding down, I am really able to see the journey and growth my peers and I went through these past four years and I couldn’t be more excited to see where we go from here.”

Many juniors agreed that they are excited, yet sad at the prospect of the Class of 2018 leaving Blind Brook. Junior Gabby Egol said, “I am so excited to see my older brother, Johnny, graduate and start college. However, it will also be very hard for me to say goodbye to not only my brother, but also all of my close friends in the grade above. I’m so proud of how hard they’ve worked and expect great things from all of the seniors.”