Arts and Entertainment

Reopening Theater

March was a memorable month for the Blind Brook High School musical theater program as the Blind Brook players retook the stage in the musical Footloose. After two school years without a live musical theater experience, members of the Blind Brook theater community were ecstatic to be back on stage together with live audiences. Corey Schiz, a junior who was cast as Willard, summed up a sentiment shared by many in the cast by explaining, “It was exhilarating and I was so happy to be back, especially after Les Mis in 2020. It felt good to finally sing and dance on stage.” Corey’s favorite part of being involved in the musical was tech week, with its marathon rehearsal schedule, because “that is when you start to form relationships with new people, and the cast starts to become a family.”
Performing in a Blind Brook musical is a commitment that extends over several months, during which time a group of disparate performers bond, push their boundaries, and hone their talents. An extra challenge was added to rehearsals for Footloose this year because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Masks needed to be worn at all times during rehearsals but, fortunately, mask mandates were lifted just in time for opening night. This year, Footloose rehearsals started in January and the final performances were on March 10, 11, and 12th. When asked about the transition back to in-person rehearsals and being back on stage, Alyssa Artabane, who played the female lead Ariel, explains, “There were times when it was a struggle to get back on stage because it has been so long, but once I was in that spotlight everything fell into place. The people on stage with me really helped me build my confidence and I felt like I found myself again.” On the last night of the show, after the final curtain fell, there was an emotional farewell to the seniors. Cast and crew members shared their gratitude to Ms. Colangelo, director of the Blind Brook theater program, for all of her dedication, and they tearfully said goodbye to their years on the Blind Brook stage.