
New Course Offerings Provide a Refreshing Change

Prior to the 2022-23 school year, the Blind Brook High School announced brand new courses for the upcoming year, giving students more choices to better fit their interests with a challenging curve. So far, these courses have been going well and many students are enjoying their new classes. These courses consist of Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles and Advanced Placement Human Geography.

AP Computer Science Principles
Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles is a course that is designed for grades 10 through 12, where the student must have taken geometry or honors geometry as a prerequisite. This course emphasizes problem solving and teaches students how computer science can be used and applied to impact the world around them. It prepares students well for the required AP test in May, along with the AP Create Task that students will also have to submit.
Ms. Seeger, a high school math and computer science teacher, teaches AP Computer Science Principles. She described the course by saying that, “In terms of difficulty, it’s a more accessible AP for students and not as rigorous as some of the normal AP courses. One thing we focus on in this course is how data is stored and transmitted. It’s not a straight coding course, but gives a feel of a humanities course because you are learning non-math stuff, too. We do lots of pair and group work, as well.”
Mrs. Seeger also explained that this computer science class focuses not only on typical computer science, but on app making, too. Because it involves lots of group work, students can collaborate ideas and share thoughts.

AP Human Geography
Advanced Placement Human Geography is another debuting course that is open to students in grades 10-12. Only students who were recommended for this course will be eligible to take it. This course introduces students to different aspects of human civilization and helps them understand and study the earth. Students study land and agriculture in order to determine its advantages and disadvantages, in addition to learning about tools and instruments used by geographers.
Many students have recommended it and have been vocal about enjoying it. Senior Zach Baruch described it as, “a very intriguing class because you learn and talk about something different then the typical social studies class. It’s more of a modern-based class where you get to talk about how people interact with their surroundings, and why.”
As expressed by Baruch, many others also believe that it is not the usual social studies class, which may be more suitable for some kids. Unlike most history courses, which focus on the past and different time periods, what makes AP Human Geography unique is its focus on current events.
Sophomore students must keep in mind that they are not able to take both AP courses, and may only choose one of the two aforementioned options.

New Courses Coming to BBHS
BBHS plans to add multiple new courses in the upcoming school year. Some of these courses are the continuation of current classes already offered, such as Digital Music Production 2 and Computer Science 2. Additional types of science courses will be introduced, including Environmental Science in Action and Physics in Action. Other new courses we will be seeing at BBHS next year are Honors English 10, College Entrepreneurship, Public Speaking, and the addition of Mandarin 1. The future of curriculum options is bright for BBHS!