
Giving Back To The Homeless

On December 6, 2024, the Blind Brook Midnight Run Club went to New York City to give back to the homeless. The club volunteers to give homeless people necessities, such as warm jackets and toiletries. Parents of the volunteers drive the students into the city to allow them to make their donations in person. The members who went on the run met at Blind Brook at 6:30 pm to package toiletries, make sandwiches, and organize the clothing they were going to bring. A few hours later, they departed on their mission to help less fortunate individuals. They went to four different locations around the city and the members distributed all of the items to those in need. 

President-in-training Maddie Fishbach said, “Midnight run has given me the opportunity to give back to the less fortunate, which I am so grateful for. It means so much to me to be part of a club that has a direct impact on the people around us, since the homeless are not all that different from us. I will always remember that the experiences I have had with midnight run align with the various lessons I have learned from those experiences.” She expressed her gratitude for an opportunity in which she got to see the impact her volunteering has made on the community. She said the people she interacted with were very friendly and some engaged in meaningful conversations, a really nice aspect of the experience. 

This club raised over $16,000 by selling cookie dough to the community. The community was able to purchase delicious cookie dough while helping the club fundraise for toiletries and clothing to donate. With the money they earned as well as community donations, the club was able to buy items that they would distribute during their NYC trips. The club is run by presidents Cecilia Halliday and Henrique De Luca Almeida. They plan on having several more successful fundraisers, which will allow the club to have more runs to the city this year. After this past run into the city, all of the volunteers went to the diner for a late night meal to celebrate their hard work and the difference they’ve made in so many people’s lives. The next trip into the city is on January 17, and the club is hopeful for an even better outcome.