The Board of Education held a Community Forum in the George Trautwein Auditorium on October 6 to encourage citizens of Rye Brook to share their thoughts on the...
Category - News
The six highs school clubs that draw the greatest enrollment following are Model United Nations, Mock Trial, Human Relations Club, Yearbook, International Food...
At the start of the new school year, the high school unveiled a new physical education program called Tactical and Strategic Sports. The course was created...
1. The HS Instrumental Spring concert dress rehearsal is on Wednesday, April 29, Concert band at 7PM and Wind Ensemble at 8PM. HS Instrumental Spring Concert...
Recently, freshman Ezra Werlinich has been given the Future Leader of the Year award by the Association of Development Officers (ADO), a nonprofit organization...
At the beginning of the school year, Blind Brook Middle and High School welcomed a new health and physical education teacher named Christina Schirone. So far...
On December 11, public speaker and Director of the Center Lane Program Santo Barbagiovanni came to the school to give a presentation on the behalf of PRIDE...
From November 20-23, the Model United Nations (MUN) Club embarked on a new adventure to Princeton University for their first Model UN Conference of the school...
NEW YORK CITY The march attracted many famous environmental activists, including familiar faces of former Vice President, Al Gore, Ban Ki Moon, UN Secretary...